Finally we see our wombat
|Or at least part of them anyway… We were half way up the ridge, on a very strange cold Summer morning… it was about 11 degrees, yes, I did say summer… and at the entrance to what is affectionately known as “Burrow With a View” (by E.M. Forester… geddit) we saw our illusive resident wombat. Pity a wombat’s eyesight isn’t very good, because this wombat has the most amazing vista from their burrow entrance!
Don’t get me wrong, we see the evidence of their existence all the time, they are constantly renovating their numerous burrows, and one even helped Fraser with his drainage channel into the dam. Unfortunately the wombat decided that the said channel was going the wrong way, and proceeded to dam it, and build a new burrow into the side wall…
Anyway, back to actual wombat sighting. He/she was using their body as a plug filling up the entire entrance to their burrow, which is quite exposed on the hillside. The sun was up, but not really hitting the burrow entrance, so I don’t think they were sunning themselves, even though it was bitterly cold. There were no real predators around (unless you count us, and we certainly weren’t chasing it up the mountainside) so I don’t think it was blocking the entrance to stop predators getting in, so we wondered if it was keeping the draught out? There was certainly an icy wind that morning… and the burrow entrance is very exposed on the ridge.