Almost Christmas
It is almost Christmas and this years bounty has been transformed into Christmas trees… I mean treats. Who doesn’t appreciate home made preserves? Especially in this era of processed food and E numbers. And I appreciate not wasting a glut of fruit. There are only a certain number of kilos of oranges I can eat before I feel a bit unwell, and I am sure we survived winter by drinking gallons of orange juice. So what better way to enjoy it all year round but in a marmalade.
I also thought I would try something new this year, and I made a jelly, not as in jelly crystals or using gelatine, just a savoury jelly made with rosemary, apples and sugar. In this house I am quite a fan of mint jelly, Fraser favouring mint sauce, but as we had this whole rosemary bush of leaves to do something with, I thought I would try something new. I am quite pleased with how well it turned out. The deepest, clearest red colour and it set… like, well, like jelly… Now we just need the roast lamb to go with it. My mouth is watering in anticipation.
Technically the oranges in the marmalade are generously donated by our wonderful neighbours, but the rosemary was salvaged as it was one of our unfortunate ‘lack of rain’ casualties. (Yes, I am refraining from using the ‘d’ word.) Wonder what I will make next… It all depends on what excess fruit or vegetables we get, I guess.