
I’m very excited today as I’ll be making a cheese for the first time in ages with the new milk I can get now.

I’ve chosen to make a Caerphilly as it only needs 2 weeks to mature so you don’t have to wait long to find out how things went. This caerphilly has a bit of white mould in the brine. The white mould softens the rind a bit and gives a nice flavour


  • 10l of non-homogenised fresh milk
  • 0.25g of MA11 starter
  • 2.5ml of 50% CaCl solution
  • 2.8ml of 140 IMCU/ml rennet
  • 10g salt


  • 2 skewer tips (1 drop) of white mould spores
  • 200g salt
  • 800g cooled boiled water


Curds and Whey
Curds and Whey. It is hard to believe cheese ever got invented when you see how it all starts…
Cheddaring the Curds
Cheddaring the Curds – well sort of anyway. Cheddaring is a specific process in making of cheddar cheese that involves draining all the whey and staking the curds for a while. this gives cheddar it’s characteristic ‘bite’. This Caerphilly recipe does something similar.
Curds Diced and Ready for Pressing
Curds Diced and Ready for Pressing
Pressing the Curds
Pressing the Curds.
Brining The Pressed Curd
Brining The Pressed Curd. The white mould spores are in the brine solution and start growing on the surface when the cheese is removed from the brine.

Now we wait for two weeks and then can eat!