Inland Mosquito Orchid

We found a great little patch of Inland Mosquito Orchids (Acianthus Collinus) on one of our walks today. These tiny orchids flower in winter and grow in a moist, sheltered part of a gully.

Inland Mosquito Orchid - A Closeup of the Flowers.
Inland Mosquito Orchid – A Closeup of the Flowers.


Inland Mosquito Orchid - Leaf Detail
Inland Mosquito Orchid – Leaf Detail


Inland Mosquito Orchid - Extreme Closeup of the Flower.
Inland Mosquito Orchid – Extreme Closeup of the Flower.


Inland Mosquito Orchid - Flower with Ruler. The flowers are 4mm x 8mm!
Inland Mosquito Orchid – Flower with Ruler. The flowers are 4mm x 8mm!


Inland Mosquito Orchid - Height. Just under 9cm tall... Easy to squash as you stomp around...
Inland Mosquito Orchid – Height. Just under 9cm tall… Easy to squash as you stomp around…